Friday, July 11, 2014

Program of Study

The program of study came up today and that got me thinking about it. It isn't going anywhere and most of you seem to agree that it is an important exercise (at least early in your academic career), even if you don't appreciate it at the time. But it seems to me the format of the program of study could be improved. The bold, italics, underline, and sometimes combinations of those gets confusing, at least to me. It seems to me there ought to be a template we use that has things broken down by semester with the appropriate boxes to check for gen. ed. requirements, intensives, major requirements, minor requirements, etc. Surely such a thing is possible. I'm happy to attempt to make one, but if anyone wants to take that on and get some collo credit for it, that would be great.


  1. Yes, I think the formatting should definitely be dropped. It's kind of useless because unless you're looking at the key, it doesn't really mean anything. What kind of format are you thinking of?

    1. I guess what I have in mind is a chart or spreadsheet. Left hand column is the class, then boxes for hours, major requirement, minor requirement, honors course, intensive, elective, etc. Just some way that it's easier to look at, compare to official ETSU requirement forms, and know where you are and where you need to go.
